Unpaid super is a big problem, and the compliance landscape is changing. If you're an employer, now is the time to take action and protect yourself against penalties. Find out how enforcement activity will pick up under Single Touch Payroll reporting and learn about a new extended amnesty for disclosing past unpaid super.
The government is getting tough on unpaid compulsory super guarantee (SG) contributions, but fortunately for businesses it has recently announced a revised "grace period" to rectify past non-compliance. All businesses should review their super compliance to consider what action they may need to take.
Estimates of the problem vary. Official ATO figures place the annual unpaid super "gap" at $3.26 billion (based on 2015–2016 data) before factoring in ATO intervention, or 5.7% of the super that should be paid by employers. However, some argue the problem is bigger, with Industry Super Australia placing the gap closer to $6 billion, affecting 2.85 million workers.
The extent of the problem can be obscured by "black economy" activity where workers are paid cash-in-hand, and also "sham contracting" where workers are misclassified as independent contractors to avoid paying entitlements like super contributions.
The launch of Single Touch Payroll (STP) will dramatically improve the ATO's ability to monitor employers' compliance with compulsory super laws moving forward. This electronic reporting standard is now mandatory for all Australian businesses, and gives the ATO fast access to income and superannuation information for all employees.
What about past unpaid super you might already owe? You may have previously heard about an "amnesty" for coming forward and voluntarily disclosing historical underpayments of SG contributions without incurring penalties. After many hiccups with implementing this policy in 2018 and 2019, the returned Coalition government has finally taken steps to relaunch the policy. Under proposed legislation currently before parliament, the amnesty will work as follows:
If you don't come forward and you're later caught out, the ATO will be required to apply a minimum penalty of 100% on top of the amount of unpaid super you owe (although this can be as high as 200%). Additionally, catch-up payments made outside of (or after) the amnesty are not deductible.
The timing of your disclosure is important. The proposed new amnesty will cover both previous disclosures made since 24 May 2018 (under the old amnesty scheme that the government failed to officially implement) and, importantly, disclosures made up until six months after the proposed legislation passes parliament.
Watch this space for confirmation of the final amnesty deadline once the legislation passes. But in the meantime, businesses with unpaid super should give serious thought to making a disclosure.
While there's a risk that the amnesty legislation may never pass parliament – which would mean the protections against ATO penalties for disclosing businesses wouldn't be guaranteed by law – businesses do face significant penalties if they're caught by the ATO, with or without an amnesty in place.
Even in the event that the amnesty does not become law, the ATO would still look favourably upon businesses who make voluntary disclosures. This may be a basis for negotiating a partial waiver of penalties.
Contact us for assistance in reviewing your business' compliance and whether you may qualify to make a disclosure under the proposed amnesty. We can help you plan for any large amounts of unpaid super you'll need to pay and help put you in the best position to minimise penalties.
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