The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) has revoked the registration of 86 charities for twice failing to submit their Annual Information Statements. These organisations will now lose access to Commonwealth charity tax concessions. The list of revoked charities can be found at
Acting ACNC Commissioner David Locke said revoking charities that are no longer active or fail to meet their obligations is an important part of maintaining trust and confidence in the ACNC Charity Register. While 48,000 charities (or 97%) have submitted their 2016 Annual Information Statement, the ACNC warned that more than 2,000 charities are now overdue. Mr Locke said these charities now risk financial penalties, and ultimately revocation of their charity status, if they fail to complete their lodgments Annual Information Statements for 2 or more years. The ACNC has published a suite of resources to help charities complete their submissions at
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