If you are either an employee or a self-employed person and you top up your super by making deductible contributions, you need to be aware of not breaching the annual $25,000 concessional (before-tax) contribution cap. If that happens, your tax bill will increase, not to mention the administrative inconvenience you may face.
As an employee , your employer is obliged to pay you the 9.5% of Superannuation Guarantee Contributions (SGC), which count as concessional contributions. So if you are a high-income earner, especially, with more than one employer (eg, a doctor working for more than one hospital) you could risk going over the limit.
You could also be in danger of reaching the cap if you, as an employee, have salary sacrifice arrangements already in place from last year when the annual concessional cap was higher ($35,000 or $30,000 depending on your age).
Given that the annual cap was lowered to $25,000 (regardless of age) from this 2017–2018 year, it is advisable to review your current arrangements and adjust your contribution amounts so you don't inadvertently contravene the new lower cap.
What exactly are concessional contributions?
Concessional contributions are those made to a super fund out of an individual's pre-tax income and are taxed at 15%.
Generally, concessional contributions include:
What happens if the limit is breached?
If you go over the $25,000 concessional contributions cap, whether deliberately or unintentionally, the ATO will send you an excess concessional contributions determination, which indicates that:
You will need to pay an "excess concessional contributions charge" (ECC charge) at an approximate rate of 4.70% (the rate is updated quarterly). The ECC charge period is calculated from the first day of the income year to which the charge relates, ending on the day before the day on which payment is due under the first notice of assessment.
Making the election
After receiving the excess concessional contributions determination, you can choose to pay the tax bill from your own money, or use a release authority issued by the ATO to pay the debt using your superannuation money.
However, before paying the excess, contact us, or your superannuation fund, to confirm that there was an excess of contributions and that this was not a mistake. There could also be a narrow possibility of challenging the excess based on "special circumstances", but do speak to us first to evaluate your position.
The release authority allows you to use up to 85% of the excess concessional contributions from the superannuation fund to cover the additional personal tax liability. The election to release must be made in the approved form within 21 days of receiving the excess concessional contributions determination.
Once you send the election form to the ATO, it will issue the nominated super fund with an excess concessional contributions release authority. The super fund will then be required to pay the amount to be released to the ATO within seven days. Due to the short seven-day timeframe, trustees of self-managed super funds (SMSFs) should ensure that they have sufficient cash to make the expected payment on time. Note that administrative penalties apply for failing to make a payment to the ATO.
Talk to us first
There are various practical things you can do to avoid paying additional charges. However, talk to us first before making any decision about your super.
Call us at Robert Goodman Accountants on 07 3289 1700 or email us at
© Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. Source: Thomson Reuters. This communication does not constitute financial advice and does not consider your personal circumstances. Please consult a licensed financial planner for financial advice tailored to your financial circumstances. Brought to you by Robert Goodman Accountants.
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