The Treasurer has announced that the Government has established a Small Business Digital Taskforce, to be headed by Mark Bouris AM. The Taskforce will talk to small business owners around Australia about the benefits of adopting digital technologies to "help their businesses operate more efficiently, giving them more time to grow their business".
Among its Terms of Reference, the Taskforce will look at how digital technologies are improving:
The Treasurer said many small businesses are not taking advantage of the opportunities that the digital economy offers. Mark Bouris said: "When a business begins to digitise and use digital tools, it opens up new opportunities to grow, diversify revenue streams, find talent, access finance, work smarter and enhance the value of the business when it is time to sell. If you're not going digital, you should be."
The Taskforce will conduct a series of meetings, workshops and hackathons with businesses over the coming months to explore impediments for business in engaging with digital technologies and how these impediments might be addressed. The Taskforce will report its findings to the Government by 28 February 2018.
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