The QLD Government's Business Boost Grants Program provides a $15,000 grant for businesses investing in growth.
It's for GST registered businesses with FY22 turnover of $300k - $600k, based in QLD with fewer than 20 employees.
The grant offers funding for:
Successful applicants must contribute 30% of the total project costs.
See the full Business Boost Grants Program outline and criteria for details.
Who can apply, and what are the eligibility criteria?
To be eligible for this grant, the business must (at the time of applying):
• have fewer than 20 employees (by headcount);
• have an active Australian Business Number (ABN) and be registered for GST*;
• have Queensland headquarters*;
• have a turnover of between $300,000 (minimum) and $600,000 (maximum) in the last financial year (2021-22);
• have a publicly reachable web presence to identify business operations (for example, business website, social media pages);
• not have been approved for funding under Round 1 of the Business Boost grant program;
• not be insolvent or have owners/directors that are an undischarged bankrupt*
* The business must be registered for GST and have Headquarters in Queensland at all stages of the application process, and also maintain their eligibility for the duration of the grant funded activity.
Opening date: Stage 1: Registration of Interest – 9am, 12 August 2022
Stage 2: Full application (open to selected Registration of Interests only) – 9am, 29 August 2022
Closing date: Stage 1: Registration of Interest – 11.59pm, 19 August 2022
Stage 2: Full application – 11.59pm, 12 September 2022
Should you require assistance with this, please contact our office
Phone: 07 3289 1700
Office Location: 2/32 Main Street, Samford QLD 4520
Postal Address: PO Box 35, Samford QLD 4520
Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.