You may be eligible for a disaster payment from the Australian Government if your income has been affected by the South East Queensland lockdown which commenced on 31 July 2021.
Learn more about the COVID-19 disaster payment and Qld Govt support here.
2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants
The Queensland Government has announced that $5,000 grants will be made available to small and medium businesses across Queensland affected by the current COVID-19 lockdown (commenced Saturday 31 July 2021) and lockdowns in other states.
The Queensland Government recognises the short interval between lockdowns in South East Queensland, and the unique circumstances faced by regional economies who are impacted by multiple border closures. These $5,000 grants will provide cashflow support for businesses to help them adapt to evolving circumstances.
Support payments will also be provided to affected large tourism and hospitality businesses within the lockdown areas.
The 2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants will provide grants of $5,000 (excluding GST) to:
Businesses must have experienced at least a 30% reduction in turnover as a result of the lockdown to be eligible as well as meeting other eligibility criteria.
Small and medium businesses are defined as businesses that have a turnover of more than $75,000 per annum and have an annual payroll in Queensland of up to $10 million.
Sole traders that are employing businesses will be eligible for the grants if they are not receiving, or are not eligible to receive, income support through the Australian Government’s disaster payment. Non employing sole traders may be eligible for support through the COVID-19 Disaster Payment with further information available on the Services Australia website.
Further information on the 2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants including eligibility criteria and details of how to apply will be available shortly from:
Updated health directions
Keep referring to the Restrictions for Locked Down Areas (South-East Queensland) for the latest information on restrictions.
More information about Queensland’s Public Health Directions, including questions and answers can be found on the Queensland Health website.
Stay Connected
In addition to this message, you can stay up to date with the latest assistance from the Queensland and Australian Governments through the Business Queensland website. You can also follow at
Phone: 07 3289 1700
Office Location: 2/32 Main Street, Samford QLD 4520
Postal Address: PO Box 35, Samford QLD 4520
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