In a recent decision, the AAT rejected in full a taxpayer's claims for "several classes or categories of deductions."
For the relevant period of 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022, the taxpayer was (according to his employer) a 'technical architect'.
However, the taxpayer also claimed he worked from home 6am to 11pm seven days a week, 365 days of the year (as he was ‘always on call’), and his income tax return for the 2022 financial year claimed a wide range of deductions, totalling approximately $40,000.
The AAT separately considered each category of deductions claimed, and rejected each in turn.
In relation to his home office 'occupancy expenses' (e.g., for home insurance, council rates, waste disposal, water rates, and repairs), the AAT noted that the 'home office' rooms (comprising floorspace occupying 31% of the dwelling’s total floor area) were not physically separate from the remainder of the dwelling, which the taxpayer shared with four other members of his family.
Home office running expenses (e.g., gas, power and internet) were disallowed on the grounds that the taxpayer had "not properly established an entitlement to such deductions or otherwise appropriately apportioned them between private or work-related activities." The AAT found his 100% claim for the internet, on the basis that the other members of the household did not use the internet connection, "very difficult to accept".
In relation to plant and equipment expenses, the evidence was "largely non-existent."
In relation to consumable expenses, the AAT noted that they appeared to be for goods or services of a private or domestic nature (including medications, toilet paper, milk, tea, sugar and insect spray).
The AAT also rejected the taxpayer's claim for "payments made to his spouse for tax management, office cleaning and document management/storage", noting that the services provided were generally of a private or domestic nature, and that the rendering of invoices by the spouse "has a degree of artificiality to it".
If you would like a little help, please get in touch with us for assistance. We can help with your business, bookkeeping, tax and SMSF requirements. We recommend Xero and Hubdoc to streamline your business and make record keeping a breeze. Let us show you how!
Please also note that many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances. Should you have any further questions, please get in touch with us for assistance with your SMSF, business, bookkeeping and tax requirements. All rights reserved. Brought to you by RGA Business and Tax Accountants. Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
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